Lauren 8th January 2021

Over 5 years ago I moved into my house and received a moving in card from my neighbours across the road, it touched me as I thought how lovely that people still do that. Shortly after moving in I went to living alone, and I went over and knocked on at Emma’s house to explain I was now living alone and could I knock on if there was an emergency. She insisted I took her number, she said I could ring anytime day or night or come over for a bru anytime. She was on maternity leave at the time and was a god send helping me adjust to living alone and reassuring me of random noises at night. Since then she has become a good friend, throughout lockdown she delivered me and Jack food parcels, cakes, a swimming pool and many more lovely gestures, a lady with a true heart of gold. We would often message each other being nosey neighbours and sharing the latest news. She was one of the first people to know that I was pregnant and gave me some lovely advice, which I will read often. She really was one of the loveliest people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. 38 years young far to soon to be gone. Forever in my thoughts. Sleep tight.🌹❤️xx Thank you Emma for being a fantastic friend and neighbour, lots of love from Lauren xxx