Where do I start. I met Emma in high school and given the task of taking her work when she was unable to make it to class. We stole her crutches and Zimmer frame and you could just bear her shouting at us down the corridors. Emma and her family became my second family. I spent many evenings and weekends at Emma’s house . After we left high school we parted a little and came back together she would ring me asking me to dye her hair or rescue her when she had done it herself and it had gone wrong! I driver her to Hereford to see her family and then she asked me to be bridesmaid when she married Tony which was a total privilege. Emma is the reason I have my beautiful daughter Jessica and it wasn’t easy but I am truly thankful. We drifted apart a little with us both having children but she was always there if I needed anything. I am going to truly miss seeing her face pop up on my social media . Emma will be missed but she will never be forgotten . Miss you Buddy Love Nicola xx 💞